Sunday, March 9, 2008



Stella2592 (Stella) is taking ballroom dances, including the West Coast Swing and the Cha Cha. Stella says the West Coast Swing is a very sexy dance, especially when you are dipped. That will probably help Stella get over her shyness. (wink). Redhdtexn (Julia) remarked that she loves to waltz; she waltzed with Buckinchute in Nashville once.

CirceUK (Jacs) said she is attempting to write a country song. The first verse is as follows:

My old dog yeller got hit by a truck
And my ole lady just don’t give a damn
(she claims she couldn’t find a rhyme to truck.)
Pinky suggested she say, “My ole lady I can f***.”
Nickker, shaking head, “well, there goes the room.”

Sonya50 (Pat) proudly announced she’s been smoke-free for 21 days. That’s wonderful, Pat. Big round of applause to you.

Geezluiz advised us that she officially has her California driver’s license. Congrats to you, Geez.

Suggar n Space (Kris) blew out 53 candles. She said her brother and his wife are taking her and her mama to dinner to celebrate.

Geezluiz led us in singing:
Geez then added, “Gawd, to see 53 again.”

ElvisP19 (Rick) has been sighted working at El Monte now. He played us a song to commemorate his new position.

Harthorn (Charlotte) bought herself a new house in Houston near her son this week, which makes two homes she now owns, free and clear. What a wonderful achievement. Congrats, Charlotte!


FrogieArno (Joan) reported that she had spent this week coughing and sneezing. She was ordered to work from home or take off sick. Theobears (Ellyn) sent her a germ-free hug. OldeeBaaat2 (Kathy) suggested to Joan that she try putting a halls mentholyptus cherry cough drop in her tea and let it melt. She said that should help soothe her cough. Joanie, let us know if it worked for you!

DoGGyNites (Steve) told us that his Marsha is under the weather and asked for our good wishes. Marsha also is coughing and has lost her voice. She said that her little kindergarten students were lucky this week, they didn’t have to listen to her, since she had laryngitis.

Skieluv (Steve?) confided that after his first week of radiation, he feels very tired. Frogie (Joan) encouraged him by telling him that he’ll get used to it eventually. Skie laughingly asked “when?” Redhdtxn (Julia) agreed with Frogie (Joan) and reminded him that he needed to STOP SMOKING. Skie agreed, and told us that he had had a “mass” removed from his kidney on Tuesday. They will proceed with a treatment of chemo and radiation and possibly another operation if all goes well. He said the doctors THINK he has “dead cancer cells” on top of his lungs. We all agreed that the only good cancer cell is a dead cancer cell. Skie said is wife is hanging in there with him. Kudos and hugs to Skie and his wife! Skie even reported proudly that even with a catheter in his PETER, he was getting an erection. And with that, he produced 6 farts. LOL, no wonder we love you, Steve.

Ullery2 (Helen) said she is recuperating from a week of physical therapy. Suggar & Space (Kris) is also feeling better, after having some digestive problems. Great news!

OldeeBaaat2 (Kathy) had some bad news about Sweetcheeks. She had been involved in an accident involving an 18-wheeler, which sent her out of control and caused her to be hit by another car. She had a concussion and was sent home. When she got worse, the doctor told her to lie down, but Sweetcheeks had a friend take her to the hospital. That’s all Kathy knew, and she asked us to keep Sweetcheeks in our prayers.


Frigid Wom (Ali) stopped in to say hello. The room offered her condolences on the passing of her father. Ali said that services would be Sunday and he will be interred in a wall at Fort Rosecrans, a military cemetery. Ali was having trouble believing he was gone, but he had been very ill, and we reminded her what a good daughter she had been to him and how much he had loved her. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Ali, in this difficult time.


Redhdtexn (Julia) was sending out photos of her new grandson to Funnybunny and Theobears (Ellyn). Funnybunny admired Julia’s cute little grandson, saying she couldn’t believe he was only 7 weeks old.


Ruberlegs (Dan) said he may take a trip to Nam with some guys from his unit this year, although his wife doesn’t really want him to.

Bears Babe (Paige) announced she and her sister will be traveling to New Zealand in 2009.

Mawort (Marcia) related new and obnoxious behaviors of Daisy: tearing up paper! She particularly loves to shred paper plates and envelopes. She even tore up a card Marcia had just received from her brother. (By the way, Daisy is her pup.)

Mawort(Marcia) had a joke for us: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Answer: The one smoking the cigarette. (Groannnn)

SuzEq3 happily told us she was supposed to be working, but she cancelled her due to “low census.” She works in a hospital, delivering babies. She said she gets them when they are wet and slimy. Redhdtexn (Julia) said the nurse almost delivered Austin-doc was on the way but not there yet. Suz replied that she’s hoping that will happen in April when her grandchild comes. She can’t officially do anything but coach, BUT - the regular nurse can’t be in the room all the time. (Wink Wink)

Wbkwoody53 stopped in after everyone had gone. He had been having trouble with AOL, and said he’d be back earlier next time. I warned him if it happened again, his tardiness would be put on his “permanent record card,” but we let it go this time. Woody, don’t forget to try to re-send that picture of you that you promised me, okay? It never came through the first time.


March is certainly coming in like a lion this year. Suggar and Space (Kris), Nebug (Neil), Theobears (Ellyn), and DoggyNites (Steve) reported rain, rain, rain. While in Rosco54 (John) reported getting six inches of snow. (Six inches is usually a good thing - but not when it’s snow.)


CollieFarmer, entering the room, stated, “Bravely I enter this room, knees shakin’. Does 52 make me a boomer? When told she definitely qualified as a boomer, she told us she lives in Washington State with the trees where she belongs, but she has a Texan heart. She further advised she is “female, female, female,” and that she is looking for a crazy man to call her own. (I offered to give her the address of my ex, but she only laughed.) When she left the room, she told us if a crazy man showed up, to stick a pin in him and hold him for her. Collie, come back soon!

Remember Oxfordog? He goes by Pleaerl nowadays, and he stopped in to see us. He said, “Hi everyone…It’s so nice to see such familiar familiar names. Yippee!” We gave him a group room hug and encouraged him to come back next Friday! Great to see you again, Oxford/Pleaerl.


FrogieArno (Joan) is planning a wine-tasting, and anyone who would like to join in is asked to contribute $5. Frogie related that she will be flying in on the 9th and staying until the 15th. They will be celebrating their 35th anniversary on the 14th! SuzEq3 will be flying back on the 14th, taking the red-eye. Others like ElvisP19(Rick) and Awaytakeme (Linda) will be driving. Rick challenged Linda to a race! Yikes!


Remember some of our crazy topics? Here’s one, and I’m going to copy verbatim, to get the full effect:

LPoindext: I liked that thread on the board where people were telling how they were told about "it"
Bornsons: I didn’t see that LP
DoGGyNites: it???????????
LaNeita: it ha ha
CirceUK: it being?
Mawort: I was never told about "it". I don't think my mom knows even now and she had 7 kids
DoGGyNites: what's IT ?
LPoindext: It was one of the ones that Julia started, I think
LaNeita: c'mere dog
DoGGyNites: the little man in the boat?
FrogieArno: damnit maw , don’t make me laugh/cough/choke
LaNeita: I read "it" in a kids book in the library ha ha
LPoindext: hmmm, Lan's been homebound too long -- she's getting "frisky"
LaNeita: grabbed my sister and took the book and her to the adult section to
show her
LaNeita: ha ha
DoGGyNites: what book?
DoGGyNites: what's it?
LaNeita: no Linda was gonna explain it to him
DoGGyNites: dammit tell me?
LaNeita: I told you come over here I will tell you
FrogieArno: the Kama sutra
CirceUK: I found out when some lads at the part were poking a nodder with sticks... I asked em why it was so funny... so they told me... I SAID' YOU LIARS MY DAD HAS THOSE ...HE USES THEM FOR FISHIN
LPoindext: LOL CIRCE
LPoindext: nodder?
LaNeita: what is a nodder?
CirceUK: nodder = condom

And another crazy topic:

Chicken Dance

Redhdtexn: chicken dance ~
MARNEE115: buck buck
MARNEE115: {S chickendance
Honeybunchs42: lol red
LaNeita: buck buck
Awaytakeme: LaNeita. 10 bans chickens
MARNEE115: I used to have that wav
Honeybunchs42: I only have the ones that come with the puter
Theobears: I had a girl in my class one year who was an expert chicken dancer
LaNeita: I miss my chicken he went to live with Linda
FrogieArno: cluck cluck
Awaytakeme: LaNeita, I had chicken soup for dinner tonite
NICKKER: only good chicken comes from kfc
Theobears: kentucky friend gerbil, yummy
Honeybunchs42: we had chicken boobs for dinner
Suggar n Space: love kfc. gramma's was better though
LaNeita: gonna have a chicken boob later with the spaghetti
Redhdtexn: I just used it twice, Geez
LaNeita: is that the chicken singing marn???


Pinkysproud (Victoria) entered the room, yelling GO HILARY! She wanted to know why Yanks don’t like Hilary. But that’s getting into political talk, and your humble editor wants to keep this room FRIENDLY.


ElvisP19, our resident music expert, offered to send music to Theobears in MP3 form.
