Monday, March 3, 2008



A happy room of Boomers welcomed Skieluv back. He had contracted pneumonia, and when he went to the hospital to be treated, they found cancer. His chemo/radiation treatments will start Monday, and the prognosis is very good, since it hasn’t spread.


-DAMN, I want a cigarette!
-(after people told him no, and smacked his hand) Smackin’ makes me horny!
-{S 6farts
-Chocolate makes me horny!
- --waving behind back…farted.
-Ladies & Gentlemen,DION! Here’s a story true but sad
-About a gal that made me a dad
- I took my money, ran out of town
- You know damn well I won’t be found.

- DoGGyNites (Steve) - I can’t help it if I’m upper crust.
- WittDNites (Marsha) - You mean crusty?
- GypsyRd56 (Janice) - I guess I’m under crust.
- Skieluv (Steve) - Has crust on underwear (sound of rim shot)

Consensus of the room: There’s a lot of Boomerluv for Skiluv.


-Nixon’s (Kim’s) daughter starts college this year.

-Bornson (Richard) - eldest daughter getting married in 3 weeks.


- Laneita is walking with a cane now. WAY TO GO!

- Kppromo asked that Boomers remember Vickie in their prayers. She has cancer,
and she knows that our prayers are helping her.

- WittDNites (Marsha) asked that we remember Skieluv and OKAYOKAY in our prayers also.

-GpsyRd56 (Janice) was recovering from the flu. Steve suggested taking 2000 mg of vitamin C
every hour to totally shut down cold and flu.

-Rick said he has been smoking less now, which is a great start. WTG, Rick!

- Marnee115 (Marcia) went to the doctor last week and was diagnosed with
hyperbillirubinemina, a form of jaundice. So she and all he kids and siblings are going to have to
have blood tests. Keep us posted, Marnee.

-Mawort (Marcia) reported that (facetiously) she suffers from dementia and old age.


In the spirit of Leap Year Day, Mr.Theobears (Eric) visited the room. Eric, hope you don’t wait another four years to come in. Remember, you promised us some Ellyn stories next time!

Theobears (Ellyn)’s nephew gave a shout-out to Lpoindext and her nephew, Dylan, on his radio show. They seemed impress that Dylan was giving up an episode of Blue’s Clues to listen to the radio show. Too bad they didn’t know that Oregon is pronounced OR a gun, NOT or e GONE. But anyway, it was fun, and could possibly be counted as 15 minutes of fame for Linda and Dylan.

A lot of boomers are fans of the TV show, Monk. Laneita, one of the fans, reported that many of the episodes are filmed at her school. Remember the episode where Monk had to coach a basketball team? (One of my favorites!) That episode was filmed at Lan’s school! The students hit him up for autographs whenever they can. Lan said that her neighbor’s house was in the background of the Monk episode this week. If they had just shot higher, you would have been able to see her house. Nip & Tuck is also filmed at LaNeita’s school, along with many commercials and movies, such as Charlie’s Angels 2.

Laneita’s cousin will be on Jeopardy on May 21. How cool is that?
Skie: Almost got into jeopardy once, but escaped just before her hubby came home.

LaNeita said there was some base jumping in San Diego, which is parachuting off of tall buildings.

LaNeita suggested that Redhdtxn (Julia) send the picture of themselves in a big white Cracker Barrel rocking chair. Check this week’s blog - it’s included in the slide show.

NixonJ described a fight between two girls at her workplace (a call center). She said they were really going at it. She found out later that the slang for this activity (head-banging and hair-pulling) is called banging.

ElvisP19 (Rick) reported for jury duty Friday. Rick, hope you didn’t hang anyone! Skieluv related that he got kicked off of a jury duty once for making nooses.

Mawort was disgusted with CBS for not putting the sexy vampire on and putting Drew Carey on in his place. The sexy vampire is MUCH better than Drew Carey. She left briefly to eat dinner and promised to return after she called the police. She had just killed a grizzly bear and a robber. Because of all this excitement, it became necessary for her to change her drawers too.
Doggy was wondering if he could get President Bush’s special tax rebate, if he could get it in Euro dollars…

Rattaford (Rob), sipping on some yuppie wine, asked PrecBay what her name meant. She replied, “Earth Fine.”

Redhdtxn (Julia) reported that in January, they had 6 snowflakes, which was their winter. Of course, the entire town shut down for those 6 snowflakes!

NavyTeam1: Through friendships we build bridges between our hearts over which we send the care and compassion that eases tension and reassures the soul of those we love.


Still trying to figure them out. Marnee promised to send Lpoindext precise directions (with pictures) on how to download and save them. YAAY Marnee!!