Friday, April 25, 2008


Following is the recap of last week’s room party. Sorry it has taken me so long to get it to you. I want to reiterate that you can read the recap here and/or in the boomer blog, located at If you have any comments on anything in the recap, there is a place at the end of each recap in the blog that gives you a prompt to make your comment. (In order to do this, you must sign up for a google account, which is easy and free.) This eliminates the necessity of piling up emails in people’s in-baskets. (You don’t need a google account to just read the blog, but you do need one to comment on it.)


April 18, 2008
Thanks to Ullery2 (Helen) and Manofunn (Fred), a bunch of boomer friends gathered in Vegas last week and had a wonderful time. No arguing, no bickering, just a wonderful time. Everyone agreed that it was the best boomer bash ever.

First of all, Redheadtxn (Julia) reported that she won about $200, Rosco54(John) and Deb hit about $450; and Frigid Wom (Ali) won about $400. And Ray also had fun at the slots, cashing in $500, $250, $100, and $125. (Copy of this newsletter will be sent to the IRS.) Ha ha, just kidding.

However, as Marnee115 (Marcia) pointed out, Donna won the biggest prize of all. And so did Barry; he waited a long time for his True Love. The story of his proposal to Donna will live forever in the annals of Baby Boomers. In case any readers haven’t heard, he asked for the floor at the Saturday night dinner and thanked everyone for their support during his and Donna’s ongoing love story. Then, amidst a sea of tears and flashing cameras, he went down on one knee and asked Donna to marry him. Donna’s answering yes and his presentation of her ring was also chronicled in pictures. Julia made an online scrapbook of the proposal. If you haven’t seen it, I’m sure she will email it to you upon request.

Barry IM’d me this morning to ask me to convey to everyone his and Donna’s thanks for all the well wishes and congratulations. They are with family tonight, but will try to come online to the room if at all possible. He said no date or place has yet been decided on for the big event.

Other Vegas stories that did NOT stay in Vegas include:

Julia’s picture of Suzequ3 as she came out of the shower. She did have a towel wrapped strategically around her, but she laughed and gave Julia permission to send it out with other Vegas pictures. Sue did look great, and as Julia says, nothing bothers Suz.

Another great picture was one of Manofunn (Fred) and DoggyNites (Steve) sitting together at a table, solving the world’s problems. Steve pointed out that they looked like the two old codgers who used to sit in the balcony on The Muppet Movie. And Mawort (Marcia) found a picture of the Muppet codgers and placed them side-to-side with the boomer codgers. Marcia, I’d really like a copy of that for the blog!

There were no naked pictures, although Julia almost talked Doggie into posing with a red thong. However, since WittDNites (Marsha) wasn’t there at the time, he declined. Steve is a good husband, and there were quite a few good husbands present, Eric (MrTheobears), John (Rosco54) Les, and husband-to-be Blomba (Barry).

There were many references to a mysterious mirror of Steve’s (I counted 19 mentions in the log.) No one would relate the story, but it has something to do with DoggyNites. All he would say was “Read between the lines,” so I’ll only ask one question about that mirror: Do objects in it appear larger than actual size?

ElvisP19 (Rick) was unable to attend the festivities; due to unforeseen circumstances. According to LaNeita, he was captured by aliens and released in the desert to her. Rick is presently updating his memoirs to include this frightening experience. Several people were, however, able to talk to Rick by phone, and Julia reported that he appears to have come out of the incident as sweet as ever. Although WittDNites (Marsha) pouted that she was not able to get a real Elvis hug, she and all of us still want him to get his butt back into the room.

The next boomer bash is scheduled for August at Chicopee, Massachusetts. Steve asked for a show of paws as to how many would be interested in attending. Suggar and Space (Kris) said she’d like to go, but was feeling a little shy about that. Steve urged everyone to “say yes… you know you want to.” (I wonder how many boomer ladies heard that line on their prom night.)

Dutch6104 suggested a boomer cruise, which would also be a lot of fun.

Suzeq3 became a grandmother during the boomer bash. Her grandaughter, Colleen Mara McDonough. arrived April 13th @ 10:20 am weighing in @ 7 lbs 13 ounces. Congratulations, Sue, to you and your family. The picture of baby Colleen and her proud papa is in the Boomer blog.

OldeeBaaat2 reported that she is a Granny Baat now. Her grandchild was born October 16, 2006.

Bluesy1234 (Les) stopped in to chat. He told us he had been to San Antonio on business. Julia asked him if he had been to the river walk, and replied that he had, and that he enjoyed it very much.

The room was visited (attacked) by someone named bulldogShari, who entered an illegal program that caused the room to go crazy. Frogie told us to select the name of this idiot and hit ignore and it would stop. In the future, block that person and have your smileys disabled (have them displayed as art in chat preferences) and shut off your chat room sounds.

People were asking about Jopeach58, who appeared later in the room, announcing that she was, in fact, not dead, but alive and well. Good to see you, Jo, please come in again.

And now…


Friday, April 18, 2008



It was a thin crowd tonight, since so many boomers were at Vegas for the boomer reunion. Those of us who stayed at home missed them, and we talked about the newsletters we had received from Redhdtexn (Julia). Skieluv (Steve) said he hadn’t read them yet-I told him he should read them right away, they were great! Especially the pictures! SuzeQ, I can’t believe what Julia did to you! FrogieArno (Joan) actually popped in for a few minutes. She was getting ready for the dinner, and stopped in to say hi, and to tell us how great of a time they were having. (Rubbing it in!) CirceUK (Jacs) mentioned that she had talked to Doggie Night (Steve) earlier, and he also rubbed it in about the fab time they were having. (Wonder if he used that word “fab” - if so, it’s been a long time since I’ve heard that word used in normal conversation.)
The biggest news coming from Vegas was the news of Blombaone’s (Barry’s) proposal to Wtink (Donna). He actually got down on his knees in front of everyone to pop the question. According to Redhdtexn (Julia), there were not many dry eyes in the room after she accepted. Congratulations and best wishes to the both of you, Barry and Donna.
SuzeQ also got some great news: her first grandchild, Colleen Mara McDonough. arrived April 13th at 10:20 am weighing in at 7 lbs 13 ounces. Congratulations, Suze, being a grandparent is the best!

Circe recommended that we check out the following link for some great eye-candy and a a hot tune:

I have an addiction to Packrat now. It’s an Internet game and I suck at it, but can’t stop playing. I’m sure Betty Ford has a 12-step program to stop. In the meantime, I promised Doors Open (Marty) and Hughes (David) that I would invite them to join in. (I get credits for the game for people I invite.) Marnee suggested that 3 or 4 glasses of wine would help me play better. Don’t know if Betty Ford would agree with that, but hey-it’s worth a try!

Skieluv (Steve) and BigHow10 are NOT Yankee fans. I, of course, am still waiting in longsuffering patience for the Cubbies to go all the way. Skieluv thinks that will be a long wait; however, he does love going all the way. Bornsons (Rich) says he roots for both Mets and Yankees, giving him a better hope for a win.

Can’t wait to see everyone next Friday. In the meantime,


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Vegas Update from FrogieArno April 10, 2008

so far...

Wed we got here around 3PM, by 5 we were in the room, to to discover the toilet didn't flush... got that fixed, unpacked.
Called Fred, he said he worked till 7 might pop around later.
Suzeq was here. Tink and Blombo were here from the morning, and had eaten so much they just kept us company for dinner. After dinner, went to gamble a bit, split up to look around. Went out to Freemont street, watched 3 crazy motorcycles riding inside a 15 - 20 foot diameter globe. Wineo & I found Tink and Blombo at slots in one of the casino (hmmmm thought they were gonna look at the lights OUTside). 3 hr time diff was making me sleepy by 11, went upstairs, asleep by midnite.

Thurs 8:15 AM. Blomba calls, meeting downstairs for breakfast at 9:30. Wineo goes down around 9:15 for slots before coffee. I get there 9:30 and they were already getting served (damned early birds) .. Fred, SugarnSPace show up around 10 with the Wineo... Good breakfase, lots of cell phone pics. Harthorn has joined us now

After food Suz goes to sun. Tink & Blomba go to tour the strip. At noon I get my room switched to one with a functional toilet. Harthorn gets hers switched to a non smoking room. We wander around a bit, make spa reservations for later in the week. Theo & Hubby arrive (spoke to them but havent seen tem yet) Sugar and I go shopping for more clothes for her and souvenirs to take home for her family. Bump into Harthorn on Freemont street. Lose Wineo in the casino. Back to the room for a rest and some computer time (damn vegas charging me 12 dollars per 24 hrs for access).

I think we are meeting around 8 PM for dinner.

We booked spa time on Mon, when most of the others will have left. Wineo is looking at another Helicopter trip to the Grand Canyon, this time landing. Couple of ladies are gonna see the local eye candy (Chip & Dale were named for them). Theo has tickets for Love.

Weather has been sunny, windy, around 70. The pool looks fantastic, with that damn slide tube going thru the shark tank (yes I AM going to ride it and Wineo says he will take pics).

So now its 6 here, and 9 in NY and I am 'chillin' for a bit. Wineo is out making copies of his wine tasting papers for Sat nite. More boomers arriving tonite.

To Be Continued.

Check out my Slide Show!


April 4, 2008

Dutch6104 has great pictures of his Russian trip - check out his profile. He went there with some friends of his a few years back.

Skieluv (Steve) is down to 135 pounds, but he’s eating again, which is good news. The radiation treatments had made him so sick that he lost his appetite for awhile. He reported he had just had 20 Oreos. He’s feeling better, but will have to go back to chemo on Monday. You are our hero, Skie - hang in there, okay?

Theobears (Ellyn) managed to tear herself away from Packrat, a game on Facebook in which she terrorizes the rest of us trying to play against her. She kicks mucho butt at this game!

Dutch6104: <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YOUR BOOMER PRESIDENT HAS JUST LEFT THE ROOM lol LOL
LPoindext: we haven't decided who to vote for - Dutch or Stella!
CirceUK: excuse me Linda... but you obviusly haven't heard of the recent
coup... I am actually president.

When Stella entered the room, she didn't comment on the above, but she ordered DoggyNites (Steve) to rip off his britches and dance around a pole for her. (She said she needed a laugh.) Joan questioned that Doggy was doing pole dances now - she thought dogs did something entirely different to poles.

FrogieArno (Joan) reminded Stella of the time she (Stella) and Circe (Jacs) wrestled on the lawn in fron of the yankee candle factory over some pastry! Joan said she even has pictures of the event!

Someone asked if anyone still did any lofting nowadays. A few of us admitted to this practice, and described how different the loft is now:

LPoindext: It's got an escalator now - easier to get there
CirceUK: LOL
LPoindext: And Rick decorated it with Elvis posters
LPoindext: And I put some Beatles stuff there
Theobears: Rick should add music to the loft, too
LPoindext: There's some love letters from Doggie to Witt that I think they forgot
FrogieArno: Poloriod pics
ElvisP19: Ellyn, I installed a jukebox in the loft
WittDNites: roflmao............too funny LOVE LETTERS??????????? hahaha
Theobears: oh goody, rick, it's gonna be so much nicer there now

April 11 is when most boomers will begin arriving in Vegas, so Steve reminded the unlucky ones not going that they won’t be in the chat room that night. Redhdtexn (Julia) seconded that, and asserted that none of them would stop their revels to come to the Boomer Room.

Sigh…such is life.

Theobears (Ellyn) and mrtheobears(Eric) will be going to cirque du soleil on Monday evening. They didn’t want to go during the reunion, so that left only Sunday and Monday. Marsha and Steve will be leaving Vegas Sunday at 12:45.

I’m planning on trying to do a digital scrapbook of the reunion. I’ve never done one, but it would be something all the boomers could share, and would make it seem like we were all there.
ManoFunn (Fred) will be there Thursday through Sunday. Hopefully, he won’t have to serve jury duty during that time. He reported that the weather has been great so far, in the 70s, not too hot or too cold. Harthorn (Charlotte) said that her daughter told her to be sure to go on the hotel’s water slide. Fred assured her that the temperature of the water should be fine and try not to let a shark get her toe. But Charlotte has scuba dived with sharks, so they don’t scare her. Fred warned her, though, that the hotel starves the sharks for two days, and then release them into the pool. If you survive, you get a free dinner. (Probably roasted shark.) Charlotte laughed and assured Fred that was her kind of challen

Nothing more to say, except have a wonderful time, bring us back some souvenirs, and …


Friday, April 4, 2008


March 28, 2008

A boomer named mje lost her husband on March 27, 2008. Woody and Dutch were good friends of his. Sincere condolences to mje and her husband.

Zabarini was in the room, and she told us that she’s been back in Oregon for over four years. She told us she had had lung cancer, but was happy to announce that she was fine now. She had lung surgery a year ago, when they cut out 1/3 of her right lung. She kidded about being afraid she would lose a boob, but she also was very thankful that medical science is so amazing, , and vowed no more cigarettes or cigars. We all were very happy to congratulate her on beating cancer.

How many boomers are into texting? Not me, I confess, although I hate to miss out on a “fad.” It seems some people would rather text than call. Redhdtexn (Julia) said that her son does up to 6000 text messages per month! She says that her son can text with his phone in his pocket. (Hmm, are you sure that’s what he’s doing in his pocket, Julia? LOL - My bad?) H20sfine says texting does come in handy - you can get the point without interrupting work, so she plans on getting a phone with a “keyboard” next time she goes phone-shopping.

Elvscountry1: standin
Wbkwoody53: all rise
Dutch6104: same here
Dutch6104: woodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Elvscountry1: kewl dutch
LPoindext: dutch - stella is running for boomer president too
Dutch6104: stella is my vp of boobs

Elvscountry1: well how are the guys stacked?
Dutch6104: :- $
Wbkwoody53: sad here
Dutch6104: what?
Elvscountry1: woody
LPoindext: yeah, what size shoes do you wear?
Dutch6104: woody same here
Wbkwoody53: 4 and a half
Dutch6104: <~~~~~~~~~ size 15
Elvscountry1: rofl
LPoindext: hmmm -- this HAS to go in the blog!

LadyAnnne (Anne) stopped in. She said her wedding plans are going slowly, but she’s not in a hurry. She and Earthwinds exchanged delighted greetings - they apparently hadn’t seen each other in quite some time.

Ylady1154 told us that she was getting ready to go to a Harley Davidson shop for a band and food and music.

NICKKER: <----never gets mentioned in linda's recap....sigh
NICKKER: ok, i ran thru the room naked and nobody noticed....

Billcobby announced that he had won 500 on one slot machine last week, and Charlotte told us that her son went to Atlantic City in early February and won $15000.

WittDNites was counting down the days until Vegas. She told Helen she couldn’t believe that two weeks from March 28, they would be seeing each other in Vegas. MsKimerald (like me) said she wanted to go so bad! But remember everyone - take lots of pictures! I want to try my hand at doing a digital scrapbook of the event, since I won’t be there in person. That way, we can share the experiences with everyone. As DoggyNites told BigHow, this time, what happens in Vegas will NOT stay in Vegas - “we gonna tell all.”

Plans include the brownies and karaoke. (If people get feeling good enough from the brownies, everyone will be brave enough to do karaoke.

DoGGyNites: Me and Barry are sending Marsha and Donna to a show so we can go to one of
those cowboy ranches
WittDNites: oh no you aren't
Redhdtexn: barry leave donna for a minute??? i think not
ULLERY2: lolol they have a strip club right across the street from the hotel
DoGGyNites: she'll be with Marsha
WittDNites: oh great
DoGGyNites: we be at the Ranch
Earthwinds: What? Doggy?..Witt?
DoGGyNites: cowboy stuff, ya know
Ruberlegs3: Ranch??
ULLERY2: Chicken Ranch?
ULLERY2: my husband can't go ;-)
DoGGyNites: sure he can
WittDNites: <~~~~~~~~NOT gonna type what I'm thinking
DoGGyNites: trust me
DoGGyNites: its a male bonding thing
MsKimerald: Witt LOL
ULLERY2: lmao .... bond this
Earthwinds: Rofl

MsKimerald said she must might fly to Vegas to meet some of the Boomers - she’s been wanting an excuse to gamble anyway. Go for it, Kim!

ElvisP19: {{{{{{{{{{{{Marsha & Steve}}}}}}}}}}}}}Ihc4900: thanks Elvis
WittDNites: ~~~~~~~~collecting REAL hug from Rick in 2 weeks !
ElvisP19 (Rick) will be giving LaNeita a ride to and from Vegas.

Ruberlegs3 (Dan) asked if anyone had ever heard from Dunabug. PrecBey2 (Barb) said she had seen her in Florida years ago, but that she had heard Dunabug might be sick. If anyone has heard of her, please let us know.

PrecBey2 also asked if anyone has heard from Texzanne.