SHIRDOG announced that he and his wife will be celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary on July 7, and 7 couples will be flying to Honolulu and doing a ten-day cruise of the islands, staying an extra 3 days when they get back to port.
Joan (FrogieArno) and her husband will be celebrating their 35th anniversary in Vegas.
Ali (Frigid Wom) said she and Randy will celebrate their 20th on 11/1/88, which is a dead man’s hand in poker.
Pat (Sonya50) and her husband will celebrate their 39th anniversary on May 10.
Steve (DoggyNites), not to be outdone, announced that he will be 97 when he and Marsha (WittDNites) celebrate their 45th anniversary. He promised to take Marsha to Hawaii at that that time.
LaNeita is adopting some African children in the near future. She adopted one of her own students a few years back.
Charlotte (Harthorn) just bought a brand car, a 2008 Toyota Highlander, pearl white. (Ed. Note: Congrats, Charlotte!)
The BoomersForever Blog is up and running. There’s a slide show, featuring pictures of boomers. The pictures are labeled so you can put names with faces if you haven’t met them in real life. I’ve gotten permission before I’ve posted any of them, and received permission to put out some more pictures while in the room Friday night. Permission was granted by:
- LaNeita, who gave permission to post any pics of her.
- Ellyn (Theobears), who gave permission for posting a pic, as long as it only had
herself and her husband.
- Marcia (MARNEE), who said she would send me one to post.
- Marsha (WittDNites), who said she would send me some to post.
So look for some new pictures in the blog soon. (Link to the blog is at the end of this recap.)
Shirdog broke his ankle in 3 places the week before Christmas and has had two surgeries on it. He just began wearing regular shoes yesterday.
LaNeita can now put full weight on her feet now, though still very painful.
Pat (Sonya50) has had back surgeries.
Get Well soon everybody!
Ali’s father is seriously ill, and everyone in the room offered their support to Ali.
Wtink lost her mother this past week, and Carole’s (Cijionbrdwy) mother passed away just a few days ago also.
Our condolences to all of you in this difficult time you are going through.
Ever wondered how to test whether an egg is “good?” LaNeita says to put them in cold water. If they float, throw them away. If they sink, they’re still good. (Ed. Note: Isn’t that kind of how, in medieval times, they would test if you’re a witch? They would tie the “suspect” up, throw them in the river. If they floated, they were a witch, so they got burned at the stake. If they sunk and drowned, they were not witches.)
LaNeita further instructed us to spin them to see if they are hard-cooked or raw. If they stay in one place, they are hard cooked.
I mentioned the “spring Equinox” test on eggs, whereby on the fist day of Spring, at high noon, you can stand an egg up on its end. LaNeita and Julia (Redhdtxn) didn’t believe it. Checking Snopes, I found out that Laneita and Julia were right. The article said that every year, TV announcers will bring this up, and take you to a park where they watch people standing eggs up - but they don’t mention that it can be done any day. Is that yet another reason to distrust the media? You be the judge.
Joan (FrogieArno) reported that her recent vacation was very restful. They went whale watching, SHOPPING, drinking…
Laneita mentioned that she teaches at the school where Desi Arnaz had his affair with the nurse that finally caused Lucy and Desi to divorce.
And then:
“ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo
Do do do do do
Oooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo
Well well
Do do do do do
And woman
Please let me explain
I never meant to cause you sorrow or pain…”
The preceding was Laneita bursting into song to John Lennon’s “Woman.” Big round of applause for Laneita!
Joan (FrogieArno) mentioned that she’s going to see Clapton at the garden next week.
A poem by Wwildpoet:
“Where does God exist?
Dancing at the smooth edge of creation, where ancient waters sweep and transform timeless sand, there moves a solitary bird.
Remember the Mashed Potatoes (dance)? Julia (Redhdtexn) told us that she demonstrated this dance to her grandson and got a big laugh from him. (Ed. Note: Challenge to you people going to Vegas: See how many people can still do it. And be sure to get pics!)
Wwildpoet asked for the names of the girl and boy in the first grade reader.
Answer: Dick and Jane. And their Dog Spot and their cat Puff. And their mother, Mother.
“See Spot. Run spot, run.”
Wwildpoet remarked that he could hardly wait to read more of the story to see where Spot was running to.
BoomerGer recited: “See Jane run. See Dick run. Why is Jane running? She doesn’t want Dick.”
Remember the party in Rochester, New York, and then Niagara Falls? It was a wonderful day, and Steve (DoGGyNites) and Pat (Sonya50) got wet together. Sounds fun, Steve. As usual, everyone had a wonderful time being together.
Someone said Skieluv had been sent to hospital in White Plains, New York, with pneumonia about a week ago, but no one knows how to find out how he's doing. If anyone hears anything, please let us know. Skie, if you read this, please reply soon. We miss you and worry about you.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Friday Nite Party Recap February 22
Posted by Linda at 12:05 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
My description of English delacasies was a little off, so CirceUK (Jacs) sent me pictures of the three foods, along with her correction.
NO NO NO!!!! you got it all wrong silly girl... Spotted Dick is a suet pudding with raisins... Black pudding (referred to as blood pudding in Yank land) Is a large black sausage made from congealed ox or pig blood with lumps of delicious lard scattered in it. Faggots are large balls made mainly of offal and grains, encased in stomach membranes.... YUMMY!!!
Will you lot ever get this straight???? hahhaa
Corrections, love! I am back from N.Y! I love Cities-but I think the only cities I like are Birmingham and Coventry U.K. (Actually I went to Coventry last night on my little bike to go shopping)! Blood Sausage is actually called Black Pudding and that is dried pigs blood and fat.Faggots are minced liver and onions and other spices-but yes they are meatballs.Blood pudding is not a bloody pudding! lol! What you described was spotted dick-there is no sweet here, with blood in it! (eeeeewwwww)!Hope that's cleared it up for you! :)Love la vixsta*******
Posted by Linda at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
(Victoria) Pinkysproud is back in New York. She said New York wasn’t quite what she had expected--so small. (Small?) She also said she hates London - guess it’s too big for her. We teased her about all the bad things about London, and she just laughed.
A terrible death to die, a terrible death to die,
A terrible death to be talked to death,
A terrible death to die.
Announcements, Announcements, Announcements
Julia (Redhdtexn) is making a Three Sisters Quilt. What a great project, even though it does sound like the name of a Chick Flick. She said she and her sisters have been quilting all their lives, but never had been close enough or had time enough to do one together. (Ed. Note: Julia, I’d love to see a picture of it when it’s done.)
Neil (Nebug22) said he walked 3 miles on the Coney Island Boardwalk. Did you do it for a Camel, Neil? (Remember the old commercial?) Bad joke, Neil, that’s a great achievement.
Jacs (CirceUK) announced that she had just bought her first business: an English shop, selling English foods and gifts. Congratulations, Jacs!
Jacs also has a published column. Check out:
Jacs discusses something that all of us have known for years: British people do not speak English. Remember the song in My Fair Lady?
Set a good example
To people whose English is painful to your ears
the Scots and the Irish leave you close to tears
There even are places where English completely disappears
In America they haven't used it for years
Arabians learn Arabian
With the speed of summer lightning
And the Hebrews learn it backwards
Which is absolutely frightening
But use proper English, you're regarded as a freak
Oh why can't the English
Why can't the English Learn to speak!
Which led us to a discussion of the strange words Brits use. A British delicacy is called Spotted Dick. (Ed. Note: I think that can be cured with penicillin.) Jacs said the current owners of the shop sell TONS of spotted Dick; they hear the university kids tittering behind the shelves, and have an idea it’s probably sitting on dorm shelves all over Virginia. Then of course there are the faggotts, which also have an entirely different name in England. Jacs explained that faggotts are large meatballs made mostly with dried pig’s blood in a sausage. Another delicacy is something called blood pudding, which is a suet pudding with raisins. (Ed. Note: No wonder we beat the Brits 230 years ago!)
Linda (Lpoindext), your humble editor, announced that she might be going to Vegas, planning on standing on the entrance ramp of I-5 with a sign “Will work for Vegas trip.” Jeannie (Pusskitt) suggested a street corner might be more fun.
Marcia (Marnee115) is knocked up! Hahaha, just a joke in the room which your humble editor promised would be in the recap. Repeat: JOKE!!!
Richard (Bornsons) proudly announced that he has been married for 35 years!
Anyone know the name of the Bond girl in Moonrakers? Answer: Holly Goodhead. (Ed. Note: I had never realized that all the Bond girls had risqué names. The only one I remember is Pussy Galore.)
Kathy (OldeeBaaat2) told us that she had been taken to the ER the other night with breathing problems. She said she was treated and released and is feeling much better now-which is great news.
Laneita’s leg was giving her some pain; sure hope you’re feeling better, Lan.
Michael (NavyTeam) visited us, and asked what time we usually come in to the room. Answers:
“bout now.
“whenever Lpoindext can drag people, kicking and screaming, into the room.
Your editor humbly apologized once more for the jhoos incident; an accident-’nuff said. (Ed. Note: Sigh…my 80-year-old aunt got an invite…how embarrassing.)
Ellyn (Theobears) wanted to know how you get to chat rooms if you don’t pay for AOL. No one seemed to really know, just as no one really knows how TV shows get to us. Answers, anyone?
Kris (Suggar n Space) wanted to know how many fur babies were in this room.
- Marsha (WittDNites) 2 dogs and 1 kitty
- Jacs (CirceUK) 4 kitties
- Rick (ElvisP19) 1 rabbit
- Ellyn (Theobears) 2 bichons
- Ellyn (Theobears) 2 nephew dogs in Virginia
Kris (Suggar n Space) shared with us that her brother grew up with Elvis Presley. He went to Humes High School with him, and Elvis actually came over and played football with him. And Kris’ grandmother was invited to Elvis’ wedding. (Ed. Note: Correct me if I got that wrong, Kris.) How exciting!
Still don’t understand the bloody things! (Ed. Note: I’ve been talking to Pinky and Circe too much!)
Posted by Linda at 6:00 PM 2 comments
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Good turnout on Friday night; there was a steady run of people who stopped by, and everyone seemed to have a general TGIF attitude.
One person who wasn’t able to make it, however, sent me a Letter of Excuse:
...aww I Missed it again? Have a good Please Be Excused Note: She has a Ear infection this evening and today. please Excuse her Absence!!!
Sincerely, The One Who Missed Out Again....
.... with Sadness!! (Cowgirl 1153)
So what do you think, Gang? Should we keep it in her Permanent Record, or excuse her? I say, excuse her and thanks for the note, Cowgirl. See you next time.
Boomers Visiting Boomers
Frogie told us that Pinky had returned to the UK on Tuesday. She said she hadn’t heard from her since then, but she was “still recovering from the M&M store.” Didn’t get an explanation of why someone needs to recover from an M&M store; just one of life’s mysteries, I guess. Steve asked Pinky if she had some room for two Japanese travelers to spend the night. Her reply was typically Pinky, but probably shouldn’t be repeated here. BTW, Pinky celebrated her birthday while in the USofA - happy birthday, Pinkster!
Marsha related that she and Steve saw Frogie, Wineo, Wtink, Blomard, Pinky and Pinky’s sister on Sunday. She said everyone looked great and had a great time.
Julia invited everyone to a Boomer party at her house. And she promised NOT to make potato salad. (Another Boomer private joke, I’m assuming.)
Wilma asked if it would be “appropriate” to give a party to celebrate the publishing of her book. Silly girl! Of COURSE she should have a party - and invite all the boomers to a book-signing!
Bashful Stella announced she would be driving to Florida to see Deserae and Dencities (Diana and Ron).
Boomer Achievements:
Judykay1229 got a new nursing position (in Chicago, I think) and was offered another one after she took the first one. Never rains but it pours, huh? Congrats, Judy! Be sure to keep us updated on your job duties, new supervisor stories, etc.
Oma via direct finished his Master’s Degree and is now a Doctoral candidate. Congratulations, Oma!
Boomer Kids/Grandkids
Julia’s grandson Austin is a month old now.
I went to a Grandparents’ Day event at my grandaughter’s school; it was a lot of fun. The principal welcomed us by saying that our grandkids at this age were proud and excited at having us at their school; by the time they’re in middle school, they’ll greet us with “What are YOU doing here?” Oh well, we went through that with our own kids too, right?
OldeeBaaat2 became GrannieBaaat2 last October 16, named Cassidy Jeannette.
AntoRed is grandmother to 5-year-old Sammie and 3-year-old Jonathan.
Doggy Door
You know that little pet door that people put in their doors so that the pets can go in & out? Well, someone seemed to be having trouble with that door - it kept slamming open and close. Wonder who was responsible for that, hmmm, Steve?
Coke Blaq
Bad news - a favorite beverage of some Boomers is being discontinued. A mixture of coke and coffee. Steve remarked that that was almost as bad as the removal of the Sponge. (No matter what happens in life, there is always a Seinfeld reference for it.)
Bawdy Humor
Skie had something to say about an Amsterdam dyke. Anybody want to know what?
You can lead a horticulture but you can’t make her think.
T-shirt Humor:
- I’m not a gynecologist but I’ll take a look.
- I’m not a gynecologist but I play one when I cheat on my wife.
- Biker T-shirt: If you can read this, the bitch fell off.
- Other Biker T-shirt: This bitch doesn’t fall off.
Do you know what happened to the guy who had a penis transplant?
His hand rejected it.
And then there’s BoomerGer’s joke having something to do with Flies…
LaNeita’s Progress
LaNeita’s surgeon has given her permission to put her full weight on her leg now. That’s really great progress, and due a lot, I’m sure, to LaNeita’s courage and determination.
Name Game - Places
Noonday, Texas
Boring, Oregon
Normal, Illinois
Intercourse, Pennsylvania
Purple Pig, Texas
Cut & Shoot, Texas
Buck Snort, Texas
Farmer City, Illinois
Climax, Michigan (you get off at I-94)
Name Game - People
Manager named Dick Rash - when promoted, Company Newsletter read “Company promotes Dick Rash.”
A friend married a man named Hairy Palms.
Customer service rep with long Indian first name, and last name of “Dickshit.”
Do You Remember?
Going steady? And wearing your boyfriend’s class ring the minute he got it? The rings were wrapped with angora that you brushed with a toothbrush And wearing your boyfriend’s letter jacket more than he did?
Political Talk
As usual, your editor takes the cowardly way out and refuses to go there. Except to say, Vote for Dutch!
Have You Seen This Person?
Pogo, Anyone?
Pogo is an Internet game site that some of the Boomers go to. It has word games like Scrabble, and card games like euchre (my favorite). Oldbaat2 plays Payday, Freecell, and Scrabble. Some of the games are free, and you can buy a subscription for more games. The following people go there:
OldBaaat2 (Mickie on Pogo)
Anyone else? What are your favorite games?
WAV files:
ElvisP19 has been our resident DJ and sent some great Wav songs. Sometimes I can hear them, and sometimes I can’t. LaNeita was having the same problem. Our question: where are you supposed to put the files once he sends them to you? I always download the file and then save it to wherever option gives you. I can always hear them when I download then and they are with other documents. But sometimes I can’t hear hem when he plays them in the room. Any ideas?
Survey: Why Did You Leave the Boomer Room?
- Too much contention.
- Stopped coming in because it was MY all the time.
- Pain in the butts.
- Nothing stopped me; kept coming in until it was always empty.
- At a boomer luncheon, all boomers sat in cliques and ignored wife and me.
- Rumors said one person caused it to be empty.
- There was a time when AOL tried to control room with a “baby sitter.”
Posted by Linda at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 4, 2008
February 1, 2008 Boomer Nite Party
The Friday Nite Groundhog Eve party was held as usual in the Boomer Room. Woody offered to shoot the groundhogs because they shoot groundhogs in Pennsylvania for fun. Is that why they always have the groundhog day party in that town in Pennsylvania with the impossible-to-spell name?
Rockin’ Room:People were coming in to the room really fast--making it hard to follow for old Boomer Eyes, but well worth the trouble seeing everyone again. Of course, compared to the way the room used to be, it wasn’t going that fast. But who is as fast as we were a few years ago, hmm? Of course, as LaNeita said, it would nice to get up to 54 people in the room like the old days…
Attention all you Newbies and Oldees but Goodies: Please come back soon. And you don’t have to wait until Friday nite, our special party nite. Just go to the room and IM your online buddies to the room. If you IM them, they will come!
Removal Requests:Please remove the following from your email list for this group:
Amenities:"hi" "hi" "hello" "etc."
Boomers Talking the Talk:
Did you know that in 1900 the average person ate 5-8 pounds of sugar each year? And do you know how much the average person eats today? If you’d like to know, ask Laneita - she had just watched a news show with that very information! Woody wanted to know how many pizzas a person ate in 1900, but Laneita couldn’t answer that. (Okay, okay, I’ll tell you - today, the average person eats 160 pounds of sugar! No wonder diabetes is so rampant!)
Sonya (Pat) told us that in 4 more days (from Friday), Barry and Donna would be visiting her. That’s great, boomers meeting boomers.
Weather Talk: Woody had to shovel ice! Can you believe it? Marnee said weather sucked in her stomping grounds too. Steve said they closed 80, 15, and 10, which I assume are interstates - just like in Woodstock! Probably more fun at Woodstock, though.
Sad News:Marnee sadly related that they had had to put Lady to sleep. She hadn’t been eating or moving for two days. She was part lab and part german shepherd, and she just gave up the ghost. So sorry, Les and Marcia - it’s so hard to lose a beloved pet.
Superbowl Talk:-
Bad Ray666: Giants will beat the Patriots. Well, if he’s right, remember you read it here first!- Bluesy (Les): Giants 38 Patriots 35-
Woody: “Bluesy, I hope I got the giants and only 10 points.”
- Doggy (Steve): Giants in the playoffs beat everyone who beat them during the season.
- Green Bay, Dallas - now it’s New England’s turn … and everyone will say the lesser team
- Ruberlegs: It’s gonna be a close game.
- Woody: Dog, you are dreaming.
TV and Movies:
Sonya had seen the Bucket List with Jack Nicholas, and she said it was fantastic. Mawort said she had just finished watching Ghost Whisperer, and Jennifer Love Hewett and her cleavage saved the day once again. I personally think her cleavage should get billing. Richard (Bornson) agreed that cleavage always saves the day. But you can keep your cleavage, guys, Mawort and I will settle for the sexy bloodsucker on Moonlight.
When will the writer’s strike end? We’re all getting sick of it. To quote Richard (Bornsons) “tired of watching Dancing With the Celebrity Reality Show Stars.”
Pinky is here:Pinky is crossing the big pond next week and will be in New York. (Actually, I think she’s here already - some of gthe Boomer surprised and embarrassed her with a birthday cake at one of the NY restaurants.)
TigsMom announced that her baby is 27 and gonna give her her first grand. Congrats, Tigs! Julia was sending out pics of her Austin. He is cute, but no one will want to play poker or billiards with him - because of the old saying that you should never play cards or pool with someone named for a city! (I.e., Minnesota Fats, other examples I can’t think of.) Theobears’nephew broadcast his first from Chicago Thursday nite.
Marcia, Marcia, Marsha:
Kris helped us settle the question: which is which:
Marcia - Mawort
Marcia - Marnee
Marsha - WittDNites
Steve’s 20-year-plan:
Steve announced that he has decided that in 20 years, his plan is to still be coming into the Boomer Room and be annoying. He wondered if that would be in the newsletter. Guess what? It is!
Which reminds me: As you know, I log the Boomer room on Friday nites so I can do the Recap. So if there’s anything you don’t want mentioned in the recap, please say so in the room before I write the recap.
Lots of political talk--not having a death wish, I’m not going to go there…
What are they, and why do they want us to look at their pictures? Or were they snerts?
Bot: Robot.
Snert: Human Snot Nosed Egotistical Rude Teenager
Elvis: “What’s it all a bot, Alfie?”
They sure attacked us Friday nite!
Birthdays:Marnee: I turned double nickels last month. So did Geno.
-Bluesy (Les): my dog turned 5 this year.
-Bluesy (Les) I turned 44.
-Bluesy (Les) I lied. I will be 59 next month. Good to be above ground.
Laneita’s Progress:-
- Gonna transition from walker to cane on Thursday.
- Right leg is a little shorter than left, so have to learn to walk differently.
- Leg is very heavy now with all the metal.- The pin in my hip kills me.- PT says I’m way ahead
of the game.
- Thanks for all your support.
Teeth Survey- Got Yours?:
Laneita: Yes.
Theobears: Yes.
Rsecretary: Yes.
BeaconJoanie: Yes.
Patch996: Yes, bought and paid for.
Lpoindext: Yes.
Smoke Survey:
LaNeita: Never smoked. Can’t live in California and smoke. LOL.
WittDNites: Quit 3 years ago.
Theobears: Never smoked.
Sweetcheeks429: Trying to quit now. (Damn things cost $5 now.)
BeaconJoanie: Trying to quit. Four bucks in Ohio.
ElvisP19: Smoke.
Hughesdeh: Cigs can be as low as $3 in Kansas.
Lpoindexter: Never smoked.
the boomer formerly known as dydrmLinda
Posted by Linda at 4:18 PM 1 comments